Further Proof That Real Life King Joffrey Is Not, In Fact, The Worst

I’m not sure when, how, or why this was taken, but it just appeared on r/GameOfThrones with the caption “Jack Gleeson is a good sport” and it prominently showcases not only that, but also arguably the best line in series history so it must be shared.

We’ve been back and forth on Gleeson around here seeing as how it’s extremely difficult to separate him from the character, but there’s no denying the kid can act his way out of a wet nutsack and should be applauded for just how hateable he’s made the TV version of Joffrey. So it’s undeniably cool when he’s willing to pose with a tribute to him being a called a c–t that features his likeness. Well played, Jack.

Kid is a few more puppy run-ins away from not getting backhanded out of principle should we ever meet in person.

via r/GameOfThrones