Maybe they could get more than four people into Progressive Field. Hey Cleveland, maybe your owners would take your criticisms more seriously if you paid to see a game in any month besides “the last one.”
Sari About Our Cheerleaders – Hockey got me into cheerleaders by putting them in yoga pants, and now the Indian Cricket Premier League is using cheerleaders to get me into cricket by making them a culturally-specific kind of hot. Although I still don’t understand cricket. I gotta know what a crumpet is to understand cricket. [Best Week Ever]
How Much Will You Save if There is an NFL Lockout? – A little spreadsheet math to make losing your favorite sport easier. I don’t know how much money I would save personally, but I hope I can draft Keanu Reeves as my quarterback in Madden 13. [Sara Sprague via Hot Clicks]
Rony Seikaly Basketball – Jon Bois uses Super Famicom’s Super Dunk Shot to simulate the Heat vs. the Celtics. It’s a predictable thing for me to say, but I would cheer the hell out of a team called the “Boston Celeries.” [SBN]
KSK’s NFL Draft Live Blog – In case you missed it (and according to my Twitter, no one I’ve ever met missed it), relive the glory and hilarious booing of the NFL Draft via non-linear Internet discussion. [Kissing Suzy Kolber]
Not Sports:
Where The Wire Cast At Now? – That’s all I wanna know. Where’s The Wire cast? Where the f**k is the Wire cast? Huh? Huh? String? String? LOOK AT ME, where the f**k is the Wire cast? [Smoking Section] (note: I don’t want this Payless-wearing website representing me, I’ma get my own site)
Olivia Munn on Tiger Mothers – Call me old fashioned, but I’d rather hear what Morgan Webb has to say about Tiger Mothers. Even though she’d just use that same cadence of voice and give Tiger Mothers FOUR…out of five. [Warming Glow]
New Transformers 3 Trailer – Can Frances McDormand make the third Transformers movie better than the first two? Not unless she’s voicing Hot Rod, and we’re suddenly in the 80s and I’m still five. I wonder which robot I loved is going to have big swinging racist wiener balls in this one. [FilmDrunk]
Giant Tetris – …and other arcade games Americans will never get to play. I’m still pissed about having never played that Mario Kart game where I could be Pac-Man. The game where you flip out Kevin Spacey style and destroy the dinner table looks like serious fun. [Guyism]