Happy Memorial Day, Everybody

Maybe “happy” isn’t the right word. Reverent, yet personally productive and fun Memorial Day everybody! Me and Burnsy are taking the day to relax by the pool and eat of pizza, so I thought you might enjoy a little taste test of the things we’ve put up in my first month as editor. If you’re bored and on the Internet for some reason today, go back and check some of these out. You might’ve missed them the first time around, and if not, the Internet doesn’t exist on a linear timeline you jerk, and you can read something more than once.

Sorry for calling you a jerk. Here are some links that exemplify America~.

The Dugout: Elijah Dukes Can’t Handle Life’s Basic Tasks [The Dugout]

Best Of The 2011 Pole Dancing Championship [With Leather]

The Best and Worst of WWE Raw 5/2: Happy Dead Osama Bin Laden Day [With Leather]

The NFL’s Bravest Faces Part Two (don’t be fooled by the title, it is pictures of cheerleaders) [With Leather]

The Dugout: The Houston Astros’ Keys to Success by Jon Bois [The Dugout]

Your Weekly Dose Of Racing Awwwww [With Leather]

The WWE Legacy of Mr. Socko [With Leather]

The 2011 World Beard Championships [With Leather]

The Dugout: AL Central Folklore, aka the one where Jim Thome dresses like Paul Bunyan [The Dugout]

The 2011 Beautiful Bulldog Contest [With Leather]