Ryan Lochte As The Next ‘Bachelor’? Sure, That Makes Perfect Sense

Just like any world class Olympic athlete with limited appeal and a temporary window, swimmer Ryan Lochte is trying to make the most of his current fame and inexplicable sex symbol status by throwing his name out there for reality TV appearances. He has apparently already lobbied for a spot on Dancing with the Stars, and now it appears that ABC might have higher hopes for him as the next Bachelor.

Apparently Roberto from The Bachelorette turned down the offer to be the new Bachelor already – presumably to star on FOX’s rip-off dating show, Slut Shamer – so that would make Lochte the ideal candidate. If only some people in the industry would throw some slang our way…

“Ryan would make the perfect next ‘Bachelor’,” Amy Rosenblum, who runs media training company Media Masters, told me. “He has the ‘it’ factor. Especially after his mother’s one-night-stand comment, everyone wants to know who is the real Ryan and what would it be like to date him. Forget dancing shows — this guy should be doing dating shows, for sure.”

“Ryan would make a great Bachelor,” casting director Jimmy Floyd, from Semisweet Productions, told me. “He has it all: charm, looks and everyone in America already knows him.” (Via HuffPo)

Added another network PR person, “What is zazz? Zing! Zork! Kapowza! Call it what you want, in any language it spells mazuma in the bank!”

Lochte’s new post-swimming goal is to get into TV and film acting, which is an awesome idea, because he’s been acting like he’s friends with Michael Phelps for years. I only hope that he can match the greatest acting Olympic athlete in world history…

Good for you, Bruce Jenner. (1:34 mark to spare your soul’s demise.)