Someone Photoshopped Alberto Del Rio With Porn Stars Because This Is The Internet

In case you’re unfamiliar with the medium, Tumblr is a very interesting blogging network that allows people to post and re-post pictures, videos, music, writing, art, etc. while connecting with each other like a traditional social media outlet. It’s also essentially a condensed version of the entire Internet, sort of like grocery store sample trays of everything the Web has to offer, including pornography and some of the most insane fan fiction that you would never, not in one million years, believe that people could write.

But it does. It’s mind-boggling, and every time I find something that pushes my boundaries of insane, I make sure to send it along to Danger Guerrero and Josh Kurp so I’m not the only one who has to live with it. This latest discovery, though, is one that I’m sharing with all of you, because it involves a WWE Superstar whom we all pretty much like in World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio, and it also involves adult film actresses, which some of you like as well. *points to everyone*

So, two questions:

  1. Why did someone take the time to photoshop Alberto Del Rio into photos with presumably every female porn actress on Earth?
  2. Why no Ricardo? Pobrecito Ricardo!

I’ve included the mostly (somewhat) SFW pictures, but if you really want to see the complete NSFW collection, you can check it out here. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

(Ricardo GIF via)