Here’s An 11-Year Old’s Ski Jump Fail, Because We’re Awful People

Oddly enough, on a site that heavily features objectified boobs galleries and asinine retrospectives of children’s cartoons, one of the most popular things we’ve shared over the last few months was the epic ski jump fail of Japanese layabout Daiki Ito. If you haven’t watched it, watch it. It’s even better than you’re imagining.

Ito’s flop was legendary, but he had to start somewhere. Enter this 11-year-old kid on his first run at a ski jump in California’s Kirkwood Mountain Resort. He takes off and things look pretty good, but then … no.

The picture kinda spoils the final half of his downhill adventure, but the video is below.

And the GIF version, courtesy of our friends at OTB:

The kid walked away unscathed, so I suppose that means it’s okay for us to laugh at him. Hopefully one day he’ll learn to save himself the agony of a faceplant and just lie down as soon as the skis start moving.