Lehigh Valley IronPigs To Fan: ‘Congratulations On Your Upcoming Death’

64-year old Steve Paul of Freemansburg, PA, has ALS, more commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease. It’s a progressive nerve disease that leads to paralysis and death. Facing his mortality head-on, Paul wrote these words: “The disease is racing, as my family must watch the strength, energy and life quickly drain from my body,” he wrote. “No one was prepared, emotionally or financially, for the loss or to prepare a final memorial.”

Someone at the Lehigh Valley IronPigs read these words and thought, wow, this is the most fun Minor League Baseball promotion ever.

For you see, Steve Paul was the winner of a FUNERAL GIVEAWAY during “Celebration Of Life Night” at Coca-Cola Park on August 20, presented by Reichel Funeral Home. FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY. It’s like Legends Of Wrestling Night, only a few years too early.

The team came up with the unusual promotion for one of its sponsors, a nearby funeral home.

The funeral package comes with a casket, embalming or cremation, hearse, headstone, flowers and a funeral or memorial service. (via CFNews13)

Here’s the promo graphic which, you guessed it, features clouds.

I went to an Astros game a few weeks ago and got a free Astros t-shirt, this is basically the same thing.

In all seriousness, the actual prize awarded is great. Paul gets almost $10,000 of funeral services covered, which will give him peace of mind and help him leave his family in a much more stable financial situation. The last thing a dying guy should have to worry about it how much debt he’s going to leave his loved ones. Paul even got a standing ovation as he accepted his prize. That said … man, I hope the Lehigh Valley IronPigs aren’t sponsored by any children’s hospitals.

[h/t to Mike Westfall]