Here’s Natasha Leggero Awkwardly Roasting Jay Leno While Matt LeBlanc Creepily Watches

I normally don’t touch Tonight Show clips for all the obvious reasons, but with everyone but the old network guys off through Labor Day I figured I’d check in on a whim. Just in case. And wouldn’t you know it, tucked in between a bunch of segments I would never click play for is this super awkward clip of Comedian Natasha Leggero attempting to roast Jay Leno during her appearance in order to promote James Franco’s Comedy Central Roast that she’s a part of this weekend.

Did I mention Creepy Matt LeBlanc is also there? I did. Well, once you get through the first thirty seconds you’ll know why.

So yeah, things get awkward. Jay is of course not fully on board. The audience doesn’t really get it. And Natasha doesn’t have the complete roaster presence to fully own the scene. It’s really everything a Tonight Show clip would have to be in order for me to share it. Points to Natasha for even going through with it as well as absolutely nailing Leno’s casual wardrobe and closing with a money LeBlanc dig that almost no one picked up on.

I see absolutely no way Matt didn’t ask her afterwards if he should call her or nudge her for breakfast.