Alison Pill To Conan: It's My Blackberry's Fault That I Tweeted A Topless Pic Of Myself

Alison Pill of The Newsroom had a pretty big SNAFU happen last year when she accidentally tweeted a topless photo of herself to her Twitter followers. She has since deleted her account, but in the name of journalistic integrity click here if you want to see it. It would be a pretty embarrassing thing to happen to anyone, let alone a television star, and Alison took it in stride. However, she hasn’t talked much about the incident, until doing so tonight on Conan, that is.

After Conan politely asks her about the incident, Alison explains that her inability to use her (at the time) brand new Blackberry cell phone caused her to accidentally tweet out the pic that she had taken for her (at the time) fiancé Jay Baruchel.

There’s a lesson to be learned here, folks. And that lesson is: don’t get a Blackberry.

(h/t: Team Coco)