Aaron Paul Did A Twitter Scavenger Hunt All Over Boise For Tickets To A ‘Breaking Bad’ Screening

Aaron Paul is in Boise today. There is almost certainly a legitimate, reasonable, easily uncovered explanation for this, but we are not going to get into it right now because all it will do is distract us from the more important issues at play. Namely, that Aaron Paul ran around downtown Boise today throwing tickets to a Breaking Bad screening out windows and getting people to yell “BITCH” at the top of their lungs, as though he somehow became a cross between Ferris Bueller and Willy Wonka.

But I should back up. Yesterday, Aaron Paul tweeted this:

Then earlier this afternoon he tweeted this…

… which led to a bunch of tweets like this…

… this…


… and this throughout the day.

No one on Earth is having as much fun as Aaron Paul. No one. It’s like the sadder and more depressed his character gets on the show, the happier and more delightful he gets in real life. Which is good, I suppose. After all, the world needs balance.


(via @aaronpaul_8)