Adam Richman Of ‘Man V. Food’ Fame Is Looking Pretty Damn Thin Now

This isn’t exactly the timeliest of “news” but it’s about a TV show that has always been near and dear to my clogged heart, so I’ll do as I darn well please. That show is Man v. Food, which ended its four-year run of showing us some of the craziest restaurant food challenges throughout America in 2012, and starred the always entertaining and charming Adam Richman, who was never exactly the thinnest of TV personalities. Of course, when you’re required to drink 10-gallons of ice cream and eat a half-pound burger in one hour before heading off to take down the Frito pie at Pappy’s in St. Louis, you’re not going to be vying for a Men’s Health cover anytime soon.

But Richman’s health is believed to have been the cause for its end, and the above image shows what Richman looked like just three months after the last episode aired. Now, thanks to a recent article on the Huffington Post, people are flipping out over how great Richman looked when he showed up to the WWE’s SuperStars for Hope event last month.

In case you need Richman’s transformation in GIF form, the HuffPo has you covered there, too.

(Images via Getty)