Couple things you knew were going to happen but should still be excited about anyway: 1) South Park is doing a George Zimmerman episode, and; 2) Cartman will be the Zimmerman stand-in.
From the South Park Studios press release:
The world faces death, destruction, chaos and Eric Cartman in all-new episode of “South Park” titled “World War Zimmerman,” premiering Wednesday, October 9 at 10:00 p.m. ET/PT on Comedy Central.
Cartman is deeply disturbed by a single person who he sees as a threat to all humanity. He races around the country to put an end to Patient Zero, the ticking time bomb that is Token.
The preview clip is below. This seems like a good time to remind you that SVU also took on the Zimmerman/Martin situation recently, but did so by having Cybill Shepherd play a fake Paula Deen who shot an unarmed black teenager because she suspected he may have been a serial rapist, and the ensuing investigation also touched on the controversy surrounding stop-and-frisk. Sooooooo, yeah. I’ll take my social commentary via profane animated zombie movie parody, thank you very much.