The Postal Service Is Destroying An Entire Series Of Stamps For Portraying Unsafe Sports

The U.S. Postal Service recently created a series of stamps for a new “Just Move” campaign that encourages people to take part in more athletic and energetic activities. Because if there’s anything in this world that motivates me to go outside and swim, it’s a postage stamp. But I won’t crap on the idea too much, because as a former chubby kid and current chubby adult, I’ll admit that any attempt at getting our kids to go outside and play – up to and including tying them to wild horses – is a good attempt.

These are safer times in America, though, and we can’t send our kids outside without first wrapping them in bubble wrap, lest they stub their toes on the neighbor’s driveway and everyone sues everyone for everything. Naturally, the entire series was recalled for the most logical reason ever.

Linn’s Stamp News reports that the US Postal Service will destroy the entire press run of a stamp series aimed at getting children to be more active. According to Linn’s reporter Bill McAllister, three of the stamps in the fifteen stamp series raised safety concerns among sports figures on the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition. The stamps in question depicted children performing a cannonball dive, skateboarding without kneepads, and doing a headstand without a helmet. The unsafe depictions came to light after USPS Marketing chief Nagisa Manabe asked Michelle Obama to take part in a first day ceremony for the stamps. That was apparently the first time the stamps had been reviewed by the Sports Council. (Via Postal News)

And yet, they say the Postal Service is out of money. Strange how that happens. Anyway, if you need me, I’ll be reacting to this stupid news appropriately.

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