Nick Offerman Presents: Great Moments In Mustache History

A quick list of Pros and Cons:


  • Nick Offerman made a video titled “Nick Offerman’s Great Moments in Mustache History.”
  • It contains mustache jokes told by Nick Offerman.
  • The video was made to promote Movember, the annual month-long event in which men grow out their mustaches to raise awareness for men’s health issues, such as prostate cancer.
  • It means we are nearing a time of year when you can refuse to shave for over four weeks and people will actually congratulate you for it.
  • There’s a really terrific Hall & Oates line in there.


  • There is no mention of the film Tombstone, which is just a horrifying omission. I mean, Jesus, look at this picture. You could make an argument that Sam Elliott — owner of a Top 10 all-time mustache — doesn’t even have the best mustache in the movie, thanks to the obese winding caterpillar that set up camp on Kurt Russell’s upper lip during filming.. That’s really saying something.
  • I can’t think of another Con right now, but if I remember correctly you’re not supposed to have just one bullet point in a list, so I am writing this sentence to avoiding doing that.