TIL: Chuck Lorre Wrote The 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' Theme Song

Every generation has the highly-paid, award-winning showrunner it deserves, and ours is The Big Bang Theory creator Chuck Lorre, the soon-to-be recipient of the 2014 Norman Lear Award in Television. Here are some words the Producers Guild of America co-chairs *boner joke* as succinctly as Lorre *nerd reference*:

“In a TV landscape that often feels saturated with homogenized, interchangeable series, his distinctive voice and commitment to vivid, one-of-a-kind characters have made him one of the true mainstays of our weekly television schedule. Lorre is the definition of an iconic comedy producer and we are so pleased to honor him this year with the Norman Lear Achievement Award in Television.” (Via)

Little known fact: Homogenized, Interchangeable Series was Mike & Molly‘s working title. Anyway, while scrolling through Lorre’s Wikipedia page, as one does, I came across this: “Lorre composed the soundtrack to the 1987 television series Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with Dennis Challen Brown.” I’m sorry if this isn’t anything new to you, but it is for me, and now I feel like my childhood was a lie; for 20 years, I’ve been singing a song written by the guy who briefly made me question if I agreed with Charlie Sheen. (I didn’t, but still.) It Jerry Bruckheimer is the lyrical mind behind “DuckTales Theme Song,” I’ll *abortion joke* *in-studio audience goes crazy*