In case you haven’t been following the 2013 Rugby League World Cup, the United States Tomahawks – yes, that’s our glorious team name – have shocked the rest of the teams competing by advancing to the Cup quarterfinals. The ‘Hawks knocked off Cook Islands on Oct. 30 and then Wales on Nov. 3 to advance, but the momentum fizzled a little when the U.S. lost to Scotland yesterday. However, that match only matter for Scotland, and the Americans will play the winner of Group A on Saturday, November 16.
Why does any of this matter? Because the lovable children’s music group The Wiggles are making it matter with their new tribute to the Tomahawks entitled, “USA Tomahawks Shock the World,” and of course there’s a toe-tappin’ video to go along with it.
I’m sure that somewhere there’s a grizzled, old military leader or maybe Donald Rumsfeld complaining about how kids songs never mentioned anything as cool as tomahawks in his day.
(Via FARK)