The problem with people selling their possessions on Craigslist these days is that unless they’re as specific and elaborate as the Texas man who undoubtedly sold his Jeep Wrangler for a billion dollars, we’ll be left with a ton of questions. Take, for instance, the Kansas person who is currently trying to trade a diamond wedding band for some tickets to Sunday’s NFL game between the Kansas City Chiefs and Denver Broncos.
I have a diamond ring/wedding band set (appraised at $3,100) that I want to trade for KC Chiefs tickets. Looking for tickets to the 12/1 Broncos game. Email me with offers.
That’s a pretty vague listing right there. Naturally, I’d assume that people are going to email with questions like, “Why are you trading this ring for tickets instead of trying to sell it for $3,000 and then buying tickets after that?” or “Are you actually looking for $3,100 worth of tickets to the game, and if so, do you want two awesome $1,550 tickets or 62 $50 tickets?” Those are both obviously very fair questions.
But ever since we were spoiled by that Jeep ad, my questions would be, “Why are you selling this ring? Is this your wedding ring? Are you currently married to the man who gave you this wedding ring? Did he cheat on you with your sister and/or mother and that’s why you’re selling this ring? Did he do something worse and this is simply your revenge for his indiscretions?” And so on and so forth.
Step up your game, Chiefs fans. Your team’s perfect season depends on it.