And With This Ron Burgundy And Robin Thicke Duet, We’ve Hit Peak ‘Anchorman 2’

It finally happened: Anchorman 2 has reached the point of no return. I mean, sure, I’m still going to give Paramount my money and probably laugh my butt off, like I did with those Dodge Durango ads. BUT not happily, not when the Anchorman mustache has endorsed every product and appeared on every future-attic item over the past six months. I’ve never wanted a movie to be out more than Anchorman 2; then we’ll never have to see another trailer again.

At least until the nine-hour DVD is released. Anyway, here’s something everyone asked for: Ron Burgundy narrating Robin Thicke’s cover of a Christopher Cross song. I kind of really hate it…but I also sort of like it. It’s like driving through Pain Village but knowing Pleasure Town is right around the corner.