This week in Superhero Movies: Iron Man signs up for more ‘Avengers’ movies

It’s been another huge week for superhero movies, from “Man of Steel’s” smash box office numbers, to big revealed about continuing film franchises as Marvel’s “The Avengers” and “The Amazing Spider-Man.” Plus, “Sin City: A Dame to Kill For” gets a schedule change and the cast of “The LEGO Movie” includes some familiar masked faces. 

“The Avengers 2”
Relax, Tony Stark fans. Robert Downey Jr. will officially be back as Tony Stark for at least two more “Avengers” films, after some likely bullish contract negations with Marvel Studios. However, there’s still no word on “Iron Man 4.” However, one character who won’t be returning for the Joss-Wehdon-directed sequel is Loki (Tom Hiddleston).

“Man of Steel”
Ka-ching. The Superman reboot scored a massive $125 million at the domestic box office over its opening weekend. Inspired by the success, DC and Warner Bros. seem bent on using “Steel” kick off an entire DC Comics movie universe, inclusion “Justice League.”
“Iron Man 3”
Ka-ching again. The third film in the lucrative series crossed the coveted $1 billion mark at the global box office.  
“The Amazing Spider-Man 2” and beyond
A lot has happened behind-the-scenes of the rebooted franchise. First, Sony announced that parts 3 and 4 are in the pipeline, even setting release dates. Will it all lead up to Peter Parker’s showdown with the Sinister Six? Meanwhile, Mary Jane Watson is being written out of the sequel, and will instead debut in the third film instead. Furthermore, rumor has it that Shailene Woodley out as the character, and that another actress may be stepping in. Stay tuned. 
“Captain America: Winter Soldier”
“Hurt Locker” actor Anthony Mackie is very excited to be playing The Falcon in the Marvel sequel alongside Chris Evans and Robert Redford. 
“Sin City: A Dame to Kill For”
Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller’s CG-noir sequel has been delayed until August, 2014. That gives them nearly a year to add more sex and violence. 
“The Lego Movie”
Let’s hope this isn’t the only way we’ll ever get to see Wonder Woman in a big screen movie with Batman and Superman.