Dave Chappelle Will Return To Sketch Comedy To Host ‘SNL’ For The First Time

On November 12th, Saturday Night Live has managed to land not one but two major coups: Dave Chappelle’s return to sketch comedy and an appearance by A Tribe Called Quest.

Chappelle returning to sketch comedy after a decade is news in of itself. After a failed attempt to make a third season of Chappelle’s Show, he retreated from sketch comedy, and Hollywood in general, in favor of stand-up. In fact, bar a few appearances on Inside The Actor’s Studio, Chappelle hasn’t been on screen outside of doing stand-up in three years, and in film has only accepted a role in Spike Lee’s film Chi-Raq. And unlike most hosts, he doesn’t have anything to promote, so he’s there because he wants to be.

Possibly Chappelle is doing it to help out the musical guest. A Tribe Called Quest is wrapping up their career as a band after the tragic passing of Phife Dog, along with Q-Tip one of its founding members. The group’s final album, We Got It From Here, Thank You 4 Your Service, will be arriving in stores the day before the band’s appearance. We’ll be curious to see what both have to offer, and the episode will air November 12th.