Watch These Killer Whales Eat A Shark Like It’s Literally Nothing


Despite what all that children’s entertainment led you to believe, nature is more violent than beautiful; foxes will never be friends with hounds and rabbits will never be policewomen. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t also gaze in wonder at all the messed-up things that happen out there in the wild, from giraffes getting revenge on lions to killer whales laying into a shark until it’s nothing but a wet spot and a memory in the ocean. Oh, you thought sharks were the scariest things chilling in the deep? Good news: Shamu and friends are much more terrifying!

The video above, which was taken by drone in Monterey, CA (a place I once went kayaking because I am a literal idiot) shows only four whales ganging up on a shark. In truth, however, Bro Bible reports that they were only a small group of emissaries from a larger pod with more than 20 whales. Can you even imagine the carnage so many whales could wreak? No amount of calming classical music could mute that kind of nightmare visual. And two of those whales were just babies. Think on that!

The whales aren’t coming on to land yet, but let’s be real: It’s only a matter of time before they figure out that not only do humans do all sorts of horrible things to them but also once encouraged children to eat their likenesses in vitamin and cheese snack form. When they find that out, not one of us will be safe!