Whether or not a Christmastime drama like Collateral Beauty tickles your fancy, actress Helen Mirren has a lot going for her these days. She’s set to star alongside the crew in the upcoming Fate of the Furious action epic, gets recognized in places as odd as the line for the toilet, and is also a Dame. So yeah, being Helen Mirren is pretty awesome right now.
Maybe that’s why British talk show host Graham Norton asked Will Smith’s 71-year-old Collateral Beauty co-star to help deliver a cheerful Christmas message for a frequently cheerless year:
“Hello. At this time of celebration and togetherness, we have the chance to reflect on the year gone by. And I think we can all agree that 2016 has been a big pile of shit. So my advice to you is drink responsibly and be merry. Have a very happy Christmas but above all, go see Collateral Beauty out on Boxing Day!”
Even Mirren had some trouble keeping it together while the audience lost their minds following her assessment of 2016, but the esteemed actress did just that. What’s more, The Graham Norton Show even gave her a prop microphone to perform what we Americans so eloquently call a “mic drop.”
“And that’s Helen, out!”