This Hockey Fan Loves His Beer More Than His Girlfriend

Kiss Cams have been getting a lot of grief in recent years, and frankly, much of it is well-deserved. Nobody looks good making out on camera except for movie stars, and when people really don’t want to be seen on camera, the results can be really awkward.

That’s why we love this Slovakia fan at the World Junior Championship who chose to kiss and chug his beer instead of the pretty lady next to him. Everyone seems to assume it’s his girlfriend, and to be fair, she seems ready to take the Kiss Cam Selfie for posterity when the clip stars.

But maybe she’s not! Or maybe this kind gentleman didn’t think she’d want to be on the Kiss Cam, and decided to steer into the skid and take on all the embarrassment himself.

It’s a bold move, Cotton (as the saying goes). If that is his girlfriend, he’ll have some explaining to do. But if not? Well than he just proved to be a gentleman of the highest order, willing to sacrifice himself to prevent the lady from unwanted affection on the big screen.

At least if the worst happens, and she dumps him for this, he’ll always have his beer.