Rosie O’Donnell Might Have Given Fans A Sneak Peek At Her ‘SNL’ Portrayal Of Steve Bannon

It hasn’t been officially confirmed that Rosie O’Donnell will portray Steve Bannon during this Saturday’s Saturday Night Live episode, but the comedian just made a major Twitter change that is leading people to believe the deal is all but done. Earlier in the week, O’Donnell was more than ready and excited to leap into the role and now she’s changed her Twitter profile picture to a photo of her photoshopped as Bannon himself.

Last episode, SNL used somebody in a grim reaper costume to play Steve Bannon which is more than appropriate given some of the rumored behind-the-scenes goings on at the White House. But that is also a gag that would get old fast, and with it looking like Bannon is immovable from his current seat as long as he stays on Trump’s good side the show needs another option to play him as a real person should these skits continue.

Celebrities have been coming out of the woodwork to contribute to the lampooning of White House staffers and Trump’s right hand men. There has been Alec Baldwin as Trump himself of course, and the transcendent portrayal of Press Secretary Sean Spicer by Melissa McCarthy during last week’s episode, plus Christine Baranski raising her hand to play Betsy DeVos should they start writing DeVos-centered sketches. This might be the most A-list celebrities to all want to make a guest appearance on SNL at one time and if the administration continues on this path these volunteers won’t be the last high profile names to hop in the fray.