Seth Meyers Takes Trump To Task Over Transgender Rights With “HEY!”

Seth Meyers has not pulled any punches when it comes to Donald Trump’s policy changes and executive orders. Beyond Donald Trump not being invited to come on his show, Meyers and his team have proven over and over again that they are one of the most willing shows in late night to stand up for the facts and repercussions of each move the Trump administration makes.

That has never been more clear than in his latest clip, “Hey!” in which Seth rightly goes to town on the administration for supposedly aiming to bring back jobs to the country only to turn around and start taking rights away from people lickety split. He says it best with the line “hey just because you want to bring back coal mining doesn’t mean you have to bring back everything from the 1800’s!” He even brings up the very salient point that Trump told transgender people that he would fight for them while he was campaigning for the presidency, only to betray their rights as soon as it made sense to him politically.

This video from Seth is short but sweet. After all, what more is there to say about this situation other than that revoking transgender rights is a bad thing and will probably not work out in the end for the Trump administration (but who really knows!). One thing is for sure, and that is there is never a bad time to remind audiences that transgender rights are important and they should be a given.