Octavia Spencer Capitalizes On Hollywood’s ‘Hidden Fences’ Fascination On ‘SNL’

Octavia Spencer’s debut on Saturday Night Live wasn’t an instant classic for the show, but it certainly wasn’t her fault. Spencer seemed ready to go from the very beginning of the show and even poked a little fun at awards season with her short and sweet monologue. There’s no singing or dancing for Spencer, instead, she spends her time poking fun at her career of playing nurses and Hollywood’s tendency to mash Hidden Figures and Fences together throughout awards season.

Jenna Bush was the first to make the mistake on the Golden Globes red carpet and Michael Keaton would do the same on stage, leading to an apology in the days following the show. As Spencer says, there were three black movies at the Oscars this year and “that’s a lot for America.” That doesn’t mean she’s above trying to make some money off of it, tossing together a new film that should make things a little easier for all those people:

As for Spencer’s career playing nurses, it’s really one of those things that sneak past when you not paying attention. I always remember Octavia Spencer as the sister in Blue Streak — a fine film — but she’s really been around forever, playing nurses, background characters, and supporting roles until catching a break. It pays to stick with it and not give up, even when you’ve been cast as a nurse for the 15th time.

(Via NBC)