Butterbeer Ice Cream Is Here To Freak Out ‘Harry Potter’ Fans

Sold at only the best dives frequented by Harry Potter, Butterbeer finally made its way to muggles everywhere when Universal Studios imported the delicious brew to the expansive theme park, The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. By now, thousands if not millions of people have had their upper lip covered in foam after gulping down the creamy beverage, but there was something missing — a semi-solid, chewable form of the drink every magic wielder covets.

Yeunglings, the premium ice cream maker (which may have some wizard blood in their lineage with the feats they pull off), has introduced Butterbeer “Super Premium” ice cream, and it seems… Magical. Yeah, I went there. Pun friggin’ intended.

The ice cream is half buttercream ice cream, half butterscotch ice cream, and is twisted with a butterscotch swirl. Yeungling’s said, “we hope we made J.K. Rowling proud with this flavor.” I say, “how could they disappoint?”

According to the Twitterverse, the Butterbeer ice cream is already satisfying muggles across the world:



And driving others mad:


And some are even combining all the varieties of Butterbeer into epic Butter Beer sessions:

If you ask me, there’s no reason not to make a Butterbeer float with Butterbeer ice cream in actual Butterbeer. Something that good will split your soul into a consumable Horcrux.

(Via The DailyDot)