You Can Blame Donald Trump For Ruining Gnarls Barkley’s Reunion Plans

Can you believe it’s been been almost nine years since the last time Gnarls Barkley has released a new album or hit a concert stage? The duo of Danger Mouse and CeeLo Green last hooked up to work on their group’s second album The Odd Couple, and since then have stepped away to work on other projects. That doesn’t mean that they don’t keep in touch though. They’ve even talked about getting back together once or twice.

“CeeLo and I have always been in touch and we’ve always remained friends and still do and always have a creative desire,” Danger Mouse told Zane Lowe in a recent interview on Apple Music. “That was a part of our lives that never really felt over and never really felt finished and he and I still do discuss it a lot. So that means there’s never not been a potential in my head, so it’s definitely a possibility.”

Apparently, they were supposed to link up the night of the Presidential election, but thanks to what transpired, the meeting never happened. “The last time we saw each other was the day before the election in Los Angeles,” Danger Mouse revealed. And we were supposed to meet the next day and I was like, ‘this thing will be over with by 7 o’clock West Coast time. I’ll see you around 8 or 9 or something.’ I was drinking heavily on a couch by myself staring at the TV at that time. I don’t even know where he was.”

You can listen to his full interview below.
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