The ‘Orange Is The New Black’ Season 5 First Look Begins Where Season 4 Left Off

The fourth (and best) season of Netflix’s Orange Is the New Black ended on one heck of a cliffhanger, with Daya threatening to shoot C.O. Humphrey with a gun. Something else happened in the finale, but I’m still too depressed to talk about it. Based on the first look that the streaming service just released, season five will pick up where that episode left off. The Litchfield inmates are still yelling at Daya to pull the trigger, Humphrey and McCullough are still on the ground, and Piper and Alex are still doing their own thing, trying to stay out of trouble. The clip ends with the gun going off, but where did Daya fire?

We’ll find out on June 9, when Orange returns.

Unlike previous seasons, where it’s been left deliberately vague how much time each prisoner has left on her sentence, Danielle Brooks, who plays Tasha “Taystee” Jefferson on Jenji Kohan’s not-quite-a-comedy, not-quite-a-drama, revealed season five takes place in real time over only three days. “You better get ready,” she said. “Get your popcorn, your tissues.” Or as Netflix put it:

“It’s about to get real.”

Meanwhile, enjoy some photos from the upcoming season, including one of Suzanne and Maureen, and another showing Alison, Black Cindy, Taystee, and Janae watching — I assume, based on their confused faces — Iron First.