Rob Lowe Is The New KFC Colonel And He’s *Literally* Sending A Sandwich To Space

As we told you yesterday, KFC’s beloved spicy chicken sandwich, the Zinger, is finally coming to American soil after more than thirty years of buzz. And that, of course, means an unlikely new Colonel Sanders to join a long line of unusual chicken pitchmen. The pick? It’s literally Rob Lowe.

But that’s not the end to KFC’s weirdness. They’re also firing the Zinger into space. The stunt is happening later this summer and so far KFC is playing it coy about just how and when this will happen. Will they feed astronauts? Will they try to put a sandwich on the moon? Will they use it as a prelude to set up the first fast food franchise on Mars, just to mess with Elon Musk? The questions remain open, which is of course the whole point: They’ve got a sandwich to sell, as the Zinger will arrive April 24th to Americans.

We’re hoping the Zinger goes to the International Space Station. ISS astronauts do a lot for us, and those folks deserve a sandwich that hasn’t been freeze-dried. As for Lowe, he makes a hell of a pitchman, but what does this mean about his McDonald’s gold card status?

(via YouTube)