Death Grips Return With An Epic, 22 Minute Song ‘Steroids (Crouching Tiger Hidden Gabber Megamix)’

Death Grips are back at it again. On Monday, the mercurial duo of Zach Hill and Andy Morin shared a brand song titled “Steroids (Crouching Tiger Hidden Gabber Megamix).” At a staggering 22-minutes, the new track comes across like one long, intense explosion of sound and fury. From the first second to the last, it grabs your attention and bludgeons every sense at your disposal.

In what will come as very welcome news to Death Grips fans, the group also revealed on Facebook in the same post where they shared this new behemoth, that they are currently working on their next album as well. Despite calling it quits back around 2014 after a few festival no-shows, the duo have hit their stride in the last few years, becoming one of the most prolific fountains of new material in rap.

I’m not saying they’re at the Future level, but there’s certainly a pervading sense that a new full-length project could pop up at almost any minute. Last year they put out their sixth album Bottomless Pit, as well as an, Interview 2016. The year before that they also shared two releases: Fashion Week and The Powers That B. If they keep along with that pace, who knows what’s in store for the rest of this year.

You can check out Death Grips new song “Steroids (Crouching Tiger Hidden Gabber Megamix)” in the video above.