George R.R. Martin Finally Compared Donald Trump To A Certain, Cruel ‘Game Of Thrones’ Character

Game of Thrones isn’t just a show about “t*ts and dragons,” the 3D chess played by many of the power players of Westeros mirrors complicated and distressing real life politics, with a certain blonde, elite family currently ruling the most powerful seat in the world. Sound familiar? Even though Joffrey Baratheon bit the dust in April of 2014, well before Donald Trump made his candidacy known, many fans have made the connection between Trump’s current presidency and Joffrey’s cruel reign. Hell, even Joffrey didn’t kick tens of millions of people off health care, and you’d never see him colluding with the enemy (maybe).

Now, finally, George R.R. Martin publicly made the connection. In an Esquire profile on Kit Harington, the author of A Song of Ice and Fire straight up says Donald Trump is a grown up Joffrey.

“Joffrey is now the king in America. And he’s grown up just as petulant and irrational as he was when he was thirteen in the books.”

Kit Harington let loose with a few jabs towards 45 of his own, saying “Mr. Donald Trump — I wouldn’t call him President, I’ll call him Mister. I think this man at the head of your country is a con artist.”

The profile continues with Harington trying not to link real-world politics with the current administration in the White House, but it’s hard not to see the parallels between the Trumps and the Lannisters.

Thrones can be used as a metaphor way too much, but if there’s one truth, I think, it’s that people who really desire power are the people who shouldn’t have it,” he says. “Maybe Jon’s the one person who should have it, because he’s not looking for it.”

So, in other words, Dwayne Johnson and Tom Hanks have 2020 in the bag, and Melania Trump will probably do something dastardly.

(Via Esquire/The AV Club)