John Mulaney Shares The Perfect Analogy For Donald Trump

John Mulaney went on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert to promote Netflix’s Oh, Hello On Broadway and his album The Comeback Kid, and while there he dropped a perfect analogy about Donald Trump. While Mulaney was on vacation in Japan, people there tried to politely broach the subject of whether or not he was “sad or scared” about Trump being elected president. He tried to explain why he wasn’t sad with this analogy:

To me, it’s like there’s a horse loose in a hospital. Like I think everything’s going to be okay, but I have no idea what’s going to happen next. And none of you know either. We’ve all never not known together. And on the news they try to get people like, “We’ve got a man here who once saw a bird in an airport” and we’re like, “Get the hell out of here. This is a horse loose in a hospital.”

It’s not good. It’s confusing because every day we just have to follow the horse, and some days it’s like, “The horse used the elevator?” You know those days when you’re like, “Is the horse smart?” And then we’re all just like, “Why hasn’t the horse-catcher caught the horse?” and then the horse is like, “I have fired the horse-catcher.” (transcribed by UPROXX)

It isn’t the first time Mulaney has tried to make sense of Trump. Besides taking shots at him and Steve Bannon with Nick Kroll at The 2017 Spirit Awards, Mulaney also nailed some descriptions of Trump back in 2015, likening him to a Family Feud contestant and “what a hobo imagines a rich man to be.” He also theorized, “When he makes a decision he must think to himself, ‘What would a cartoon rich person do?’ Run for president.”

(Via The Late Show with Stephen Colbert)