Kyle MacLachlan Swears ‘Twin Peaks: The Return’ Will Make Sense… Eventually

The weird and wonderful Twin Peaks: The Return was even weirder and more, er, wonderful-er than usual in “Part 8,” an episode that can best be described as: WTF. Even the most “normal part,” when Ray shoots Evil Cooper, only for the Charred Men to rip at his body and reveal the image of Bob (also, “The” Nine Inch Nails play in a backwoods bar in the Pacific Northwest), was more out there than anything else on television. Then the atomic bomb dropped.

That’s not an expression. There was an actual bomb.

It’s hard to tell where Twin Peaks is going, what with a tripped-out Amanda Seyfried and golden shovels and Wally Brando and Beverly and Tom’s marriage, but according to Kyle MacLachlan, it will all make sense. Eventually.

“I think we all knew it was going to be a challenging journey for the audience, simply because it is 18 parts of one giant piece, and it’s sequential, so people really have to stay with it,” Agent Cooper/Evil Cooper/Dougie Jones told The Hollywood Reporter. “And also that [David Lynch’s] storytelling is filled with imagery and different perspectives and characters and things that may initially be confusing to people, but ultimately everything will come back together and make sense. It will be clear. But it’s challenging, you know? The other part of that is there has been a real, complete love from a large part of the audience for this new direction of Twin Peaks. No one has ever seen anything like this on television before. That’s some of the excitement, I think.”

Until it makes sense, though, say “HELLO-O-O” to more Dougie.

(Via The Hollywood Reporter)