Skip Bayless Hilariously Debated Himself About Aaron Rodgers, Thanks To The Internet

Skip Bayless thinks that Aaron Rodgers is “historically good.” He also thinks he is “Errant” Rodgers and is not even close to “historically good.” This is the duality of Skip, and also the ultimate video editing job by a YouTuber by the name of Will Schleichert.

Schleichert posted a video of Bayless arguing with himself over Rodgers on YouTube on Thursday and it really is some amazing work.

Bayless perfectly banters with himself, offering exactly contrasting viewpoints that clearly were separated by some length of time.

“Are you kidding me,” Bayless asks himself, while the dynamic duo later yell “yes!” and “no!” simultaneously.

It’s OK to change your opinion on something, of course, especially if you’re wrong. But this video indicates that Bayless is often intentionally obtuse, if only to “embrace debate” and make people mad with his contrarian opinions. What’s such a bummer about this is that it’s actually sort of an interesting debate. How good is Rodgers compared to some of the game’s greats? Can you even compare quarterbacks properly over generations given how much the game has changed.

But instead of exploring those angles, it’s just a race to the polarized sides of the debate. And its done by the same person! In this case, whether you think Aaron Rodgers is a living legend or not, you can find something to get upset about with Skip Bayless. That’s entirely the point, I suppose, but never before has it been made so clear that it’s all just an act.