Lady Gaga Thinks Donald Trump Has ‘Endangered The Lives’ Of Transgender People After His Military Ban

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Like most things that he tweets or says, Donald Trump’s series of tweets on Wednesday morning effectively banning transgender people from the U.S. military set off a firestorm. Trump stated, “the United States Government will not accept or allow transgender individuals to serve in any capacity,” during the series of tweets and outrage ensued.

Word broke that Mike Pence may be behind Trump’s ban, and former Secretary of State John Kerry ripped Trump. Former Trump supporter Caitlyn Jenner was amongst the most vocal critics of the ban as well. Now, one prominent supporter of the LBGTQ community is joining the fray and speaking out against Trump: Lady Gaga.

Gaga, who said women were “fighting for their lives” after Trump was elected last year, took to Twitter to post a lengthy message, admonishing Trump for his views, saying he has “endangered the lives of people all over the United States and overseas bravely serving our nation.” She went on to note the “social isolation and targeting” that comes with statements like Trump’s can lead to depression and suicide. Finally, she stated that “Within the Trans Community are many also who are strong & brave. They should be able to serve if they wish. To have honor if they do.” Check out Lada Gaga’s full statement below.