By all accounts, Rihanna’s third annual Diamond Ball appears to have been a massive success as the event raised more than $5 million for her Clara Lionel Foundation, which promotes education and arts worldwide. The guest list was a who’s who of superstars like Beyonce, Jay-Z, Dave Chappelle, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jamie Foxx, Trevor Noah and more. Barack Obama even sent in a video message praising Rihanna for her philanthropic work with her foundation.
For many, the star of the night wasn’t Rihanna though, it was Beyonce with her head-turning twins stepping out showing off her post-twins body and just Beyonce-ing. Rihanna doesn’t seem to mind that either, as the pair were spotted together and she was practically gleaming in a photo with Beyonce from the event. Since Rihanna is human like the rest of us, she did what any respectable human would do if they were lucky enough to take a picture with Beyonce: she posted it on Instagram. Except Riri made one small addition, she added a crown on top of the Queen’s head.
Rihanna's Instagram story. 👑❤️
— BEYONCÉ LEGION 𐚁 (@BeyLegion) September 16, 2017
Despite the fact that there have been persistent rumors of a feud between the two, Rihanna has always been complimentary of Beyonce, even going back to this picture on Instagram way back in 2011. Here Riri quipped underneath an immaculate photo of Bey that “This pic could single handedly destroy the self esteem of an entire nation.”
Rihanna also stepped up when she liked photo on Instagram about Grammy nominations that some perceived as a slight towards Beyonce, saying “We don’t need to be putting black women against each other! We deserve to be celebrated.” So yes, with all of that and now that Riri has crowd Bey her queen it’s probably time to end the idea of a Beyonce and Rihanna feud.