Kathy Griffin Attacks TMZ Founder Harvey Levin And Andy Cohen In A Vicious Rant

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The war between Kathy Griffin and Donald Trump’s supporters, from internet trolls to Hollywood producers, is still not over. Months after Griffin was lambasted from brandishing a fake decapitated Trump head, which she later apologized for (then took back the apology), Griffin has taken to her personal YouTube account to detail the death threats she, her mother and her sister, dying of cancer, received in the weeks following the photo shoot.

In the 17-minute video that is currently on her Twitter account called “The Tale of Two Harveys,” Griffin also addresses the Harvey Weinstein scandal, calling out TMZ founder Harvey Levin and her old Bravo producer Andy Cohen, who she alleges were implicit in covering up the widespread reports of Weinstein’s sexual assaults.

Griffin then explains that the men harassed her and undercut her career, saying: “People like Harvey Levin and Andy Cohen, honestly just live to take women down,” before claiming that Cohen offered her cocaine on several occasions before appearing on Watch What Happens Live.

In a maneuver that proves she’d rather go to war with her enemies than move on and get her gigs back (“I just want my gigs back“), she makes the questionable decision of posting Levin’s phone number, saying: “That’s his number. And I don’t have a minute to call him. Maybe you do.” It’s now a countdown until this video is removed from the web.

(Via AV Club)