You Can Now Order Domino’s Pizza For You And Your Coworkers Via Slack

Domino’s Pizza has really been stepping up its tech to make ordering easier in the past few years, and their latest announcement is bigger than just a personal pan. The pizza chain has unveiled a pizza ordering app in the work messaging app, Slack, to make “working group lunches” easier to coordinate. While the app can order lunch for the whole office, it can also order for a couple of employees, or maybe just you, if your job causes you to stress-eat.

To grab lunch on the go, Slack users would hit up the Slack App Directory and install the Domino’s ordering app to their virtual workplace. Once installation is complete, users can order by either directly messaging the Domino’s bot or starting a group order by typing @dominos in a specific group channel. Domino’s recommends users take turns placing orders (probably because you don’t wanna piss of Bob in Accounting who always pays), and the app allows users to trace their orders in case it’s taking too long to show up.

Taco Bell was the first to introduce ordering through Slack, but Domino’s is on its heels when it comes to easy ordering at the click of a button. With these kind of inventions and advances in technology, it’s easy to see the real reason why Papa John’s is faltering.