Indie electronic pop duo Tanlines has released an EP of children’s songs, giving classics like “The Itsy-Bitsy Spider,” “Row, Row, Row Your Boat,” and “Old MacDonald Had a Farm their unique touch.” The five-song EP is now available via all streaming platforms and can be purchased for $5 from the band’s Bandcamp site. Hip parents can finally find some common ground with their kids’ taste in music while setting up their tykes to be fans for life of the innovative pop duo. That’s pretty clever marketing on Tanlines’ part.
We made a kid's record 😀 Classic children's songs with synthesizers 🎹
Full EP available NOW on @AppleMusic, @Spotify, @TIDAL , etc or you can buy it from us @Bandcamp
— Tanlines (@tanlines) February 19, 2018
While it may be a departure from their other work, like “Palace,” their Urban Outfitters-friendly aesthetic is surprisingly adaptable to the old childhood standbys. The pair were apparently motivated to create the album for their own kids, as both members are stay-at-home dads. With all that free time — not to mention the two-plus years since their prior album Highlights (released in 2015) — it’s no wonder they wanted to create something that could both satisfy the creative itch and entertain their respective tots.
Aside from being a fun, creative experiment, the Presents EP also makes some sonic updates to the catchy kids’ songs, giving them a different spin from the various versions floating around, with intricate instrumentation and arrangements that definitely extend their shelf-life and listenability. Which, as any parent can probably tell you, is only a good thing, considering how many times they have to listen to them.
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