Adam Rippon And Rita Moreno Visit The Future And Past With Their Oscars Red Carpet Outfits

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Adam Rippon has segued from simple Olympic figure skating star to one of America’s favorite athletes thanks to his outspoken nature and in-your-face style. Now he’s getting the country’s attention again at the Oscars red carpet by looking like the most fashionable man in Mad Max’s wasteland.

Rippon is wearing a harness across his shoulder-less suit by Moschino. It’s very, very Rippon.

As Rippon visits the future, beloved Oscar winner Rita Moreno is visiting the past. The 86-year-old EGOT (Emmy/Grammy/Oscar/Tony) winner is wearing the same dress she wore to the 1962 Oscars at which she won the best supporting actress Oscar for her role as Anita in West Side Story.

Here’s a picture of her over five decades ago, followed by a picture of her at the Oscars today:

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Moreno and Rippon’s unique surprises on the red carpet were joined by James Ivory, who is nominated for best adapted screenplay for Call Me By Your Name, wore a dress shirt with Timothée Chalamet’s face on it underneath his tuxedo jacket.

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Hopefully, 55 years from now, Adam Rippon can wear a shirt of himself wearing an S&M-inspired harness tuxedo at the Oscars. That’s the only possible next step in this whole scenario.