Fashion And Art Collide With BAPE’s New Keith Haring Collection


BAPE has been on a roll with the cool collabs lately, from remixing their clothes with other brands, to collaborating with beer brands. Their newest artist collaboration has us thrille, dying to hit up the shop for the March 24 release, and also screaming, “It’s about time!” Keith Haring is one of the coolest pop/contemporary artists of our time, it only makes sense that one of the coolest urban gear brands of our time would feature his colorful drawings and iconic figures such as the dog and the baby on their hats, tees, jackets, and hoodies.

Haring, an artist, activist, and reformer was no stranger to hip-hop culture, often depicting his drawings DJ’ing and breakdancing, or simply drawing cartoons of boomboxes blaring and radios blasting music. As a result of his arrival to New York City in 1978, he quickly became familiar with the culture, paying homage to it in his art and contributing to the culture — with MASSIVE success — and now, all of these years later, the culture is honoring him with some of the freshest art-based fashion.


The best part of the collection is that, unlike so many other collaborations and special collections, there’s actually a ton of merch to choose from (and it’s not just clothes!), giving wearers options on what they want to buy and how they want rock their gear. Out of all the latest fashion/artist collabs of late, this is the one that feels the most complete and is the most exciting.