Nick Saban Isn’t Backing Down From Copyright Infringement Claims By LeBron’s Uninterrupted

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Here’s a sentence you did not expect to read a week ago: Nick Saban is not backing down in the face of a potential lawsuit from LeBron James’ off-court project, Uninterrupted. For backstory, the reigning College Football Playoff champions have a new series called “Shop Talk” that involves players chatting while at a barber shop. The first episode also includes Saban and former Alabama receiver Julio Jones.

In the eyes of Uninterrupted, this infringed on a similar project it had worked on with people like James and Draymond Green called “The Shop,” where athletes, you know, talk about stuff in a barber shop while getting a haircut.

Uninterrupted shot the school a letter that claims their “copyright, trademark rights and other valuable intellectual property rights” were infringed with the football program’s new series. In response, Saban remarked that he has no plans on stopping the show.

“I’m sorry that anybody could be offended by something that we were just having fun with, and I enjoyed it and we’re going to continue to do it,” Saban said.

James, meanwhile, sounds like he’s ready for a legal battle.

Of course, college football fans will be blown away by the concept of the famously emotionless Nick Saban having fun. As for whether this will be decided in a courtroom, well, that remains to be seen, but maybe we can just have the Crimson Tide play James’ beloved Buckeyes with the hopes of a resolution.