LeBron James Broke His Social Media Silence To Support An Anti-Bullying Organization

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One fun quirk of LeBron James is his decision to go dark on social media for the NBA playoffs. For each of the last few years, James has unofficially kicked off his team’s postseason run with Zero Dark Thirty-23, signifying that he’s not going to post anything until after he’s been knocked out.

But on Tuesday evening, James decided to break with tradition and post something onto social media … kind of. James posted this to his Instagram Story, which looked like a message he was trying to spread to Cavaliers fans.


It’s not hard to imagine that James would want to motivate people in Cleveland to keep believing in the team as the Cavs are in the first round fight of their lives against the Indiana Pacers. But soon after, James posted a series of videos that feature a young girl named Kheris Rogers, whose organization Flexin’ In My Complexion designs clothing and wants to spread a message of positivity.

The important thing here is to stress that Rogers rules. Beyond that, it’s cool that any athlete would use their platform to spread the message of young woman who wants to get a business off the ground that has this message, so even if it’s safe to assume that James might not have been responsible for posting this, shout out to him.