Car Seat Headrest Performed An Intense Rendition Of ‘Bodys’ On ‘The Tonight Show’

One of the best albums released thus far in 2018 happens to be a re-hash. Will Toledo always intended on re-recording and filling out his lo-fi magnum opus Twin Fantasy, originally shared on his Bandcamp page in 2011, and this year he finally accomplished that task. To help spread the word about this new, sonically-expanded version, Car Seat Headrest appeared on The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon last night and hit the televised audience with a truncated, but intense version of one of the best songs from that record, “Bodys.”

Lately, Car Seat Headrest’s lineup has gotten a tremendous aural boost thanks to the inclusion of members of the bands Naked Giants into the lineup, a collaboration that began when the latter group supported the former on tour last year. The results speak for themselves, which you can hear and see above. Car Seat Headrest can now fully lay claim to the title of one of the most exciting live bands in America. Toledo himself seems to have fully ditched his signature black Fender Telecaster, and has now appeared to have positioned himself as a pure frontman.

After a short run through Europe that begins later this month, Car Seat Headrest are hitting the road through North America beginning in July and continuing on through September. My advice? Score a ticket while you still can, and watch their take on “Bodys” in the video above.