Sandra Oh Celebrated Being An ‘Asian-Canadian-American’ During Her ‘SNL’ Opening Monologue

Sandra Oh is the third Asian-American woman, after Awkwafina and Lucy Liu, AND the first Asian-Canadian-American to host SNL. It’s an honor that probably should have happened long before now, considering her successful and Emmy-winning stint on Grey’s Anatomy, but as Oh pointed out in her monologue, she’s been having a great year. Killing Eve was one of the best shows of 2018 and she co-hosted the Golden Globes with Andy Samberg, showing off her comedic skills. Not that you’ll ever hear Oh brag about her accomplishments.

Oh, who recently became an American citizen (she was born in Canada), shared her enthusiasm for Americans. “You are confident and direct,” she said. “And now that I am an Asian-Canadian-American, I’m trying to learn a thing or two about tooting my own horn.” This doesn’t come easy for her, but luckily, Leslie Jones was there to give her some advice and teach her how to “accept a compliment… It’s not about the brag — it’s about the swag. You just have to have confidence.” So, what self-praise did Oh have for herself? “I’m Sandra Oh and I cry more than any person you’ve ever met.” She’s getting there.

Killing Eve returns for season two on April 7.