‘Avengers: Endgame’ Cast Members Were Told That They Were Filming A ‘Wedding,’ Not A Somber Scene

Marvel Studios

(Warning: Avengers: Endgame will be found below.)

Marvel Studios is notoriously and understandably secretive with plot points for Avengers movies. Given that Tom Holland (Peter Parker/Spidey) and Mark Ruffalo (Bruce Banner/Hulk) are known to be the biggest spoilers of the cast, it’s fitting, now, that both of them have lifted the lid on how far the shroud of secrecy extended. That is, the cast was often kept in the dark during Endgame filming, even to one hilariously somber end.

Do you recall the funeral scene at the end of the Russo Brothers-directed movie? Of course you do. Tony Stark shall sorely be missed, but Mark Ruffalo now reveals that the cast was, um, told they were instead filming something celebratory. “We’re filming a wedding, they said,” tweeted Ruffalo while adding some amusing personal photos, including a knowing look from Lebowski Thor.

Yeah, Chris Hemsworth knew what was really going on. After all, it’s not every day that one wears all black clothing and somber expressions at a wedding. Plus, Tony Stark must have been nowhere to be seen, but who knows, maybe they carted Robert Downey Jr. onto the set to throw Ruffalo and Holland off the scent. Speaking of Peter Parker himself, Holland has now posted a behind-the-scenes photo from the “wedding” day set. The Far From Home star admitted that he was “stressed” to be posting this video, even now, but that this was “the strangest wedding I’ve ever been to.”

In retrospect, Pepper Potts did carry a wreath that said, “Proof that Tony Stark has a heart.” Still, a wedding scene made no sense, and it seems like only Benedict Cumberbatch was obeying the no-camera rule that day on set.