'Crumbs Of Anarchy' Is Gingerbread Cookies Done SAMCRO Style

If your Christmas morning isn’t complete with nose snarls, casual racism, prostitutes, and gavels, y’know, the usual, can I drop by your house on Wednesday? You find the metaphorical dead doves; I’ll bring the Crumbs of Anarchy cookies, perfect for anyone who’s ever wondered if Bobby’s beard tastes stale or slightly spicy.

SAMC(R)Ookies comes from Cakes by Erin in Haverhill, Massachusetts, which is like Charming, except with more drunk Irishmen. They’re only $5 each, and according to the bakery’s Facebook page, “We will keep making our ‘Crumbs of Anarchy’ cookies for as long as you want them.” That explains the lack of Tara: no one wants her.

(Photos from Cakes by Erin via Laughing Squid)