Taylor Swift Details The Making Of ‘Christmas Tree Farm’ In A New Behind-The-Scenes Video

In celebration of the holiday season, Taylor Swift recently shared a video for a new song called “Christmas Tree Farm,” which is based on her actual upbringing on a Christmas tree farm. Now Swift has pulled back the curtain on how the song came to be, via a new behind-the-scenes video that shows the track coming together.

Swift introduces the song by saying, “So it would go — these are chords I don’t usually use, so bear with me — but it would be like, it’s about how you’re in the city and you’re stressed out and your life is feeling really low, but in your heart is a Christmas tree farm!” From there, the video features Swift working on the song as it gets closer and closer to its finished state.

She previously spoke about her time on the tree farm in a 2014 interview with Esquire, saying, “It was such a weird place to grow up. But it has cemented in me this unnatural level of excitement about fall and then the holiday season. My friends are so sick of me talking about autumn coming. They’re like, ‘What are you, an elf?’ [My father would] tend to the farm as his hobby. He’d get up four hours early to go mow the fields on his tractor. We all had jobs. Mine was picking the praying mantis pods off of the trees, collecting them so that the bugs wouldn’t hatch inside people’s houses.”

Watch the video above