Soccer Mommy Makes Her TV Debut By Playing Two ‘Color Theory’ Songs On ‘Kimmel’

Soccer Mommy is gearing up to release her new album, Color Theory, tomorrow. Ahead of that, though, Sophie Allison swung by Jimmy Kimmel Live! last night for her debut TV performance.

She performed two tracks on the show, “Circle The Drain” and “Lucy.” Her stage setup consisted of blue and yellow projections behind her and old TV sets displaying the colors, to mirror the imagery of Color Theory. Allison and her band sounded forceful and confident on both performances, which were successful in drumming up anticipation for the new album.

Allison recently told Uproxx of “Lucy,” “I loved this idea that ‘Lucy’ was upbeat but really different and had this darkness to it but it was still fast-paced. Definitely the least heavy song from the gray section, and it was this song that I could do to be like, ‘yeah, I’ve been working on new music.’” She also spoke about why “Circle The Drain” was the song she released when announcing Color Theory, saying, “I always thought when the album’s announced, it needs to be ‘Circle The Drain,’ because that’s the one that I felt was going to blow the roof off.”

Watch Soccer Mommy perform “Circle The Drain” and “Lucy” above, and read our interview with Allison here.